The above link will take you to a page which contains many books and reference materials which will assist you in "creating
a museum" in your class.
Link to two excellent seminar programs that actually pay teachers. In addition, you'll find THREE "freesource"
programs here. Not only are they free, but in my opinion, they are of high quality.
The above link will take you to a list of documentaries for use in your U.S. History classroom. Links are also
provided to lesson plans, and the PBS sites dealing with the video.
The above link will take you to a page which gives information about various films that are appropriate for a U.S. history
class. Links take you to supplementary materials and lessons dealing with the films mentioned.
4. Links to History Resources on the Web - the web has thousands of websites devoted to U.S. History. Click the link above to go to a listing of my
most used websites, as well as websites used in creating the lessons you saw at the presentation.