The Progressive Era:
How Progressive Were
The period of feverish reform at the local, state and national levels is often referred to as the Progressive Era. While Progressives often had little in common, their main motives seem to have been similar – they believed in solving the problems created by industrialism, and they believed in government action.
Power Point Format
For each Progressive topic your group is assigned you will create THREE PowerPoint slides:
a. Title slide.
b. The second slide will contain bullet points to describe your Progressive topic: dates (birth, death and significant era of reform for a person, date law passed), what Progressive reform was intended, and its successes and failures.
c. The third slide will contain an image that represents your Progressive topic. Your picture could show the problem that needed to be solved, but it could also be an image of it being solved. For any person, I do not simply want a picture of the person – it can be a picture of the person engaged in their reform.
d. The picture you choose for your power point will be used to make the slide identification portion of the exam.
Finding Images for Your Poster or Power Point
1. The image should be “large” enough to be
visible either on a poster or in a power point.
2. The image should not “give away” the
3. You can “doctor” images using Microsoft Paint
and/or Microsoft Photo Editor
4. Don’t worry if you pick “similar” pictures as
other groups (for example Lewis Hine and Keating Owen
Child Labor Act might have similar pictures).
However, do not use the same image.
*Should be 2-3 minutes in length. You will need to take notes on your classmates presentations as preparation for the Progressivism Awards Ceremony, and to get ready for the slide portion of your exam.
You will use the next page to record notes for your topic, and to cite the source from which your image came, and as a grade sheet which will be used by your teacher:
Political Reform
1. Direct Primary 2. 19th Amendment
3. Initiative, Referendum and Recall 4.
17th Amendment
Social Reform
5. Keating-Owen Act and Muller v.
7. Clayton Anti-Trust Act (part which deals with
union activities)
Economic Reform
8. Railroad Regulation
9. 16th Amendment and Federal Trade Commission Act
10. Antiquities Act 11. Hetch Hetchy Reservoir
12. National Reclamation Act 13.
14. Ida Tarbell
Progressive Personalities
Hiram Johnson and John Dewey 17. Alice
Margaret Sanger 19. Walter
Format (follows 3 slide specifications, neatly done) __________/5
Description of Progressive Personality / Reform (20 pts.)
Does PowerPoint contain bullet summary? Does your presentation add to the PowerPoint? Is it clear and understand? __________/20
Picture (10 pts) Does picture relate to topic? __________/10
Your Score____________/35
Progressive topic:______________________